Blogging is off until after Christmas, but events aren't too bad here, all things considered.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas, wherever you are.
May 2009 bring happiness, peace and understanding to us all.
Annie x
Memories, Triggers, Thoughts and View-Points. It's all here and written with honesty...
It's more a catharsis than anything. I'm a long way off recovery, but I don't advocate EDs to anyone. This is NOT a Pro-Ana site by any stretch of the imagination, but perhaps reading my thoughts, the triggers, and the memories will help you relate to anyone who is also suffering with an ED - be it yourself, a loved one or a friend.
My husband, Ian, writes from his experience - he's not a sufferer of ED but he certainly does suffer with me! He provides the much-needed carer's viewpoint. I feel sure that his thoughts will be as valid as mine.
Merry Christmas!
May 2009 be your best year yet!
merry xmas and happy new year
Merry Christmas to you !!! Heres to 2009 a year of growth and change for us all.
I miss you ......
Merry Christmas....
Merry Christmas! I'm so glad to see you post, and I"m glad things are ok for you right now.
Agreed as to what Anna said, may 2009 be the best year yet! My sincerest wishes for peace and contentment for you, my dear friend.
Happy Christmas to all of you, wishing you a day of no 'you cow's :) xxx
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones! May the coming year bring you all that the happiness you desire and may it keep the stupers (short as you know, for contemptibly stupid persons) away!
happy holidays, annie. peace, joy and happiness to you! may this be the year that we calm the gremlins.
Happy Christmas to us all, and may the New Year move each and everyone of us a little further down the path.
:- )
Bob J.
Happy Christmas. Take it easy and enjoy the peace and quiet.
Merry Christmas to you as well!
Glad to read this post. Hope it continues to be ok Annie. Fingers crossed we are all going to be on the up in 2009.
Lola x
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